"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none" (W. Shakespeare)

Ghislain Auguste Atemezing picture

Short Bio

I obtained a Msc in Artifial Intelligence (AI) within the Department of Artificial Intelligence, School of Computer Science, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, at the Ontology Engineering Group (Spain). The title of my Master Thesis was: "Analyzing and Ranking Multimedia Ontologies for their Reuse". Previously, I worked in the research group of software agents (Grasia!) of the School of Computer Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). I also obtained a Master in Technologies and Information Systems from the University of Picardie-Jules Verne (France; 2008), and a DEA in Computer Science at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon)

I obtained a Ph.D in Computer Science in April, 2015 from Telecom ParisTech under the supervision of Dr. Raphaël Troncy at Eurecom . The title of my thesis dissertation was Publishing and Consuming Geo-spatial and Government Data on the Semantic Web" (slides, manuscript)

I am a researcher at Mondeca working in all the modelling activities as well as in R&D funded project which require strong Semantic Web expertise. I am also lead of the labs incubator of Mondeca, and maintain a blog. You can find here my resume (as for April 2018). From October 2017 until August 2023, I was Research & Development Director @ Mondeca. Since September 2023, I am Project Officer (Data Operational Unit) at European Union Agency for Railways (ERA)

Research Interest

I am interested in Semantic Web technologies, Linked data, ontology (modeling, methodologies), Government Open Data, vocabulary management, web architecture, Multimedia applications to Semantic Web, Internet of things, GeoData, visualization, Linked Data, NLP and Semantics, RDF triple stores Benchmarking, Data science, Applied AI

Research Expertise

  • Scientific Expert Reviewer for the French ANR projects in "Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication department, Contenus et Interactions": research program AAP 2018, CONTINT 2016 and 2015

W3C Activities

Member of the following W3C Working Groups:

W3C editorial documents


Research Projects

Customers Projects


  • Benjamin Icard, Ghislain Atemezing, Paul Egré. VAGO: un outil en ligne de mesure du vague et de la subjectivité. Conférence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA 2022), Jun 2022, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.68-71. ⟨hal-03705048⟩
  • Paul Guélorget, Benjamin Icard, Guillaume Gadek, Souhir Ghabiche, Sylvain Gatepaille, Ghislain Atemezing, Paul Egré. Combining Vagueness Detection with Deep Learning to Identify Fake News. In 24th International Conference on Information Fusion. (November 2021, Johannesburg) paper
  • Knowledge Graph Publication and Browsing Using Neo4J (G. Atemezing, A. Huynh). Paper | slides | video . (SCG Workshop, 2021)
  • Semantics of Data Mining Services in Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. (Jan. 2020) Link: 10.1109/TSC.2020.2966607
  • Towards Automatic Domain Classification of LOV Vocabularies. PROFILES 2019 , @ ISWC 2019.
  • Benchmarking Commercial RDF Stores with Publications Office Datase, (QuWeDa 2018, acceptance rate =40%; paper, slides)Best ESWC 2018 Workshop Paper
  • Linda van den Brink, Payam Barnaghi, Jeremy Tandy, Ghislain A. Atemezing, Rob Atkinson, Byron Cochrane, Yasmin Fathy, Raúl García-Castro, Armin Haller, Andreas Harth, Krzysztof Janowicz, Şefki Kolozali, Bart van Leeuwen, Maxime Lefrançois, Josh Lieberman, Andrea Perego, Danh Le Phuoc, Bill Roberts, Kerry Taylor, and Raphaël Troncy. Best Practices for Publishing, Retrieving, and Using Spatial Data on the Web. In Semantic Web Journal (SWJ) , 2018
  • Adopting Semantic Technologies for Effective Corporate Transparency, (ESWC 2017)
  • Applying Semantic Web Technologies to Assess Maintenance Tasks from Operational Interruptions: A Use-Case at Airbus , (ESWC 2017)
  • Semantic Web Methodologies, Best Practices and Ontology Engineering Applied to Internet of Things, (IEEE WF-IoT 2015)
  • Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV): a gateway to reusable semantic vocabularies on the Web (2015), Semantic Web Journal. (read). Semantic Web Outstanding Paper Award 2017 link
  • The ProtégéLOV Plugin: Ontology Access and Reuse for Everyone, (ESWC2015, Demo Paper). Tool access
  • All my publications during my PhD
  • Towards a linked-data based visualization wizard, in ISWC 2014, 5th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2014), 20 October 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy. (slides)
  • Publishing reference geodata on the web: Opportunities and challenges for IGN France in 6th International Workshop on the Foundations, Technologies and Applications of the Geospatial Web (TERRACOGNITA 2014), ISWC 2014, October 19, 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy. ( slides )
  • Information content based ranking metric for linked open vocabularies. In SEM 2014, 10th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 4-5 September 2014, Leipzig, Germany. (slides)
  • Harmonizing services for LOD vocabularies: a case study in WaSABi 2013, Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice, Colocated with ISWC 2013 Workshop, October 22, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
  • Towards interoperable visualization applications over linked data. slides; EDF 2013, 2nd European Data Forum, April 9-10, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
  • Transforming Meteorological Data into Linked Data in SWJ (2012)
  • A Landscape for Multimedia Ontologies, in the Special Issue on Multimedia Data Semantics, doi
  • Confomaton Application. In Linked Data-a-thon challenge, in conjuction with ISWC'11, October 23-27, 2011, Bonn, Germany. Best Concept Award


Program Committees Member

Invited Talks / Keynotes

Event Organization

Journal Review

Teaching/Representation Activities

  • Teaching Semantic Web and Knowledge Representation at ISEP, Paris (2022 - 2023)
  • Teaching Semantic Web technologies and Knowledge Representation for MIAGE IKSEM at Sorbonne University (since 2022)
  • Teaching Introduction to Semantic Web at Master II level (UFR Maths-Info), University Paris Descartes – Sorbonne , now Université de Paris (2017 - 2023)
  • Teaching Introduction to Semantic Web at Master II level, CNAM , Paris (2018 - 2019)
  • Member of the "Conseil de Perfectionnement Licence Informatique" of Université de Paris. (2021 - 2023)

Master students / Internships

  • Jérémy ROCA : "Data semantics and architecture constraints for use in the Web of Things". Promo 2022 - Security in Computer Systems and Communications, Eurecom
  • Therese Ytembé Dankam "Deep Minning of Textutal Speeches: Application to political leaders in Cameroon", 2021 (co-supervisor Dr. Elie Fute). University of Buea, Cameroon
  • Emmanuel Ludivin TCHUINDJANG TCHOKOTE: "NLP techniques for Summarizing open national calls for tenders: Application for the Public Contract Regulatory Agency". 2021 (co-supervisor Dr. Elie Fute). University of Buea, Cameroon.
  • CENTONZE Gianmarco: Technologies Sémantiques sur les Dispositifs Embarqués: État de l’Art et Applications. 2020 (co-supervisor Maria A. Zuluaga. Mondeca/Eurecom
  • Lauren PICARD: "Extraction de connaissances sur des faits désinformants". Mondeca/Engineering School INSA LYON (2020)
  • Alexis PISTER: "Hybridation des composants NLP pour l'annotation sémantique des documents textuels." (2019). Mondeca/INSA LYON (co-supervisor Sergio Peignier)
  • AMAH ANN NYOH NDITAH : "SENTIMENT ANALYSIS ON SOCIAL MEDIA WITH REAL-WORLD APPLICATION. 2018. co-supervisor Dr. Elie Fute). University of Buea, Cameroon.
  • Alexis TROBERG, “Improving the discovery of Application Contests in Open Data Events”, Semester Project, Spring 2014. (Eurecom)
  • LAM Cao Vien, “Learning and building coordinate converter web service and interlinking geo- graphic content RDF databases with LIMES, Semester Project, Fall 2013. (Eurecom)
  • LE Thi Nhu Nguyen, “Track Picker”, Semester Project, Spring 2013. (Eurecom)
  • Anne-Elisabeth GAZET, “Building data.eurecom.fr”, Semester Project, Fall 2011. (Eurecom)

PhD Thesis Committee

  • Member Thesis follow-up Committee of Solenn Tual IGN, Labo LASTIG (2023 - 2025)
  • Examiner, PhD Thesis Noura HERRADI , Labo Cédric - CNAM, 10th December 2018, Paris
  • Examiner, PhD Thesis Matthieu VIRIY , LIG – STeamer, 16th December 2021, IMAG, Grenoble


You can reach me using the following address:

           <workEmail> ghislain dot atemezing AT era dot europa dot eu </workEmail>
           <altEmail> me AT atemezing dot org  </altEmail>
           <Address> 120 rue Marc Lefrancq, 59300 Valenciennes, France </Address>

Various Stuff

Yeah...I studied two years philosophy and theology at the Faculty of Theology San Damaso (Madrid, Spain), and I hope to be graduated in the art of "giving reason to my faith".

I put here some links of great persons /institutions that have a human vision of the Life, and also some of my favourite websites.